Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy document contains information on how we use cookies to provide a better digital experience.


“Conditions” means these terms and conditions: “Personal Information” means any personal details provided by you via the Website; “User(s)” means (a) user(s) of the Website either collectively or individually, as the context requires; “We/us/our/Company” means TapM, “Website” means this website any subsequent website which may replace it; and “You/your” means you as a user of the Website.


We use Cookies, Pixel Tags and other similar technologies across all of its websites. This document sets out the Company’s policy with respect to information, including information that can be associated with a specific person and could be used to identify that person, that is collected from Users through such technologies.

The information collected by the Company from its use of Cookies and related technologies will, from time to time, be accessible to certain individuals employed or engaged by the Company who may be required to use the information in the course of their duties and is bound by the Privacy Policy of the Company.

The obligations imposed on the Company under this policy are also imposed on any individual employed or engaged by the Company (“employees”).


The Policy applies to all employees, independent contractors, consultants and other workers engaged by the Company and who have access to reporting and personal information in the course of performing their duties.


By using our website, you are agreeing to this policy and consenting to the use of the technologies described in this Cookie Policy.

What Is A Cookie

A Cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

On the Company’s websites, users can manage and/or delete Cookies as they wish. Information about how to do this is provided in the “How to manage Cookies” section below.

Session Cookies

Session Cookies are temporary Cookies that are used to remember you during the course of your visit to the website, and they expire when you close the web browser.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent Cookies are used to remember your preferences within the website and remain on your desktop or mobile device even after you close your browser or restart your computer. We use these Cookies to analyse user behavior to establish visit patterns so that we can improve our website functionality for you and others who visit our website(s). These Cookies also allow us to serve you with targeted advertising and measure the effectiveness of our site functionality and advertising.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from Cookies.

Cookies can be used by web servers to identify and track users as they navigate different pages on a website and identify users returning to a website.

Both Session and Persistent Cookies are used across all the Company’s websites. To the extent any Personal Information is collected through Cookies, the Privacy Policy applies and complements this Cookie Policy.

What Is A Pixel Tag

A Pixel Tag is a tiny invisible tag or graphic placed on certain parts of a website, in emails or in certain other downloadable content, but not on your computer, mobile device or browser, except to the extent that you download the content that contains such tags.

Pixel Tags are placed on websites in order to trigger a Cookie. To the extent any Personal Information is collected through Cookies, the Privacy Policy applies and complements this Cookie Policy.

Why Do We Use Cookies

We use Cookies to learn how you interact with our content and to improve your experience when visiting our website(s). The information we collect from Cookies enables us to tailor our websites to your personal needs, remember the notifications that you have been shown, so that you are not shown them again, and make improvements and updates to our websites based on the way you want to use them.

Additionally, Cookies allow us to serve you specific content, such as videos on our website(s). We may employ the learnings of your behavior on our website(s) to serve you with targeted advertisements on third-party website(s) in an effort to “re-market” our products and services to you.

First-Party And Third-Party Cookies And Pixel Tags

We use both first-party and third-party Cookies and Pixel Tags on our websites.

First-party Cookies and Pixel Tags are those set by a Web site that is being visited by the user at the time (eg Cookies placed by the Comapny on our website).

Third-party Cookies and Pixel Tags belong to and are managed by other parties, such as The Company’s business partners or service providers. These Cookies are required to allow for some advertising outside of the Company’s website.

Cookies And Pixel Tags We Use

Please find below a list of Cookies and Pixel Tags the Company uses:

AdRollAdvertisingUsed to deliver targeted messages and video adverts to users based on their engagement on our website(s). Also used to track the performance of the adverts on our website.
BingAdvertisingThe Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking tag helps us understand how our Bing campaigns perform by tracking actions on our websites once ads have been clicked.
BingAnalyticsThe Bing Webmaster tool helps us understand how you interact with our website in order to improve the user experience.
FacebookAdvertisingAllows us to understand how Facebook engagement relates to our website performance. Targeted adverts can be triggered based on your engagement with our website(s).
Google AnalyticsAnalyticsGoogle Analytics helps us understand how you interact with our website in order to improve the user experience.
Google Conversion TrackingAnalyticsHelps us understand how our GoogleAdwords campaigns perform by tracking actions on our websites once ads have been clicked as well as the conversion performance of our website in general.
LinkedInAdvertisingAllows us to understand how LinkedIn engagement relates to our website performance. Targeted adverts can be triggered based on your engagement with our website(s).
OutbrainAnalyticsUsed to deliver targeted messages and video adverts to users based on their engagement on our website(s). Also used to track the performance of the adverts on our website.

How To Manage These Technologies


To ensure you get the best possible experience when visiting our websites, we recommend that you accept Cookies.

You can manage Cookies through your web browser’s option settings and through those settings you may be able (a) to receive notifications when you are receiving new Cookies; (b) to disable Cookies; or (c) to delete Cookies. Please refer to your web browser’s help section for information on how to do this.

However, if you do not wish to accept Cookies, you may not have access to all the features of our websites.

You can find out more about managing your Cookies by accessing the ‘help’ button on your browser or visiting

More information can be found on how to opt out from any Cookie for all major web browsers and third party’s vendors by visiting or

Pixel Tags

Pixel Tags do not store information on your computer, mobile device or browser. Pixel Tags are occasionally downloaded to your computer if contained in an email or other downloadable content. Thus, Pixel Tags cannot be managed by you except by deleting the content in which the tag is contained.

Updates To This Cookie Policy

Unless required earlier, this Cookie Policy is reviewed, and if necessary, updated annually. The most current version of the Cookie Policy can be obtained on our right here on our website.

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